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Mazehill Nursery

We strive to be your first choice in childcare.

Come and see if we can meet or beat your standards.

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Unique Visitors

March 2012 May 2012

April 2012

Easter Term Break

Please note that the Easter Holidays are from:

2nd April until 13th April.

Summer Term commences on Monday 16th April.

School Leavers

Can we ask any parents/ carers whose children are due to start primary school in September:

As soon as you have receive confirmation of which school your child will be attending, please can you inform Sophie or Cathy as soon as possible. This is important so we can start to arrange transitions meetings with the school so that the transfer to school is as smooth and stress free as possible for all children and of course yourselves!

Important Dates

1st April:   Palm Sunday

6th April:   Good Friday (Nursery Closed)

8th  April:   Easter Sunday

9th April:   Easter Monday (Nursery Closed)

21st April: Queen Elizabeth II Birthday

23rd April: St George’s Day

Pre-School Themes

